Current Position: HomeBath Commercial Products

Commercial Products

The single-inlet sensor faucet and the two-inlet sensor mixer are widely popular with grand star hotels and other public places for easy installation and safety in temperature regulation

Fully sealed control box Stable performance and effective moisture-proof

The control box for sensor faucet adopts full sealed type, and effectively prevents moisture from entering into the electronic control unit.

More Convenient

The sensor distance is adaptive, omitting the trouble of artificial regulation;
It is more convenient to replace the battery.
Open the angle valve for water supply, when the users reach out the hand to the sensitive water outlet range of the faucet in the customary way, the water will automatically come out from the faucet, and when retract the hands after washing, the water will automatically stop flowing.

More Effective

When the battery power is insufficient, the indicator light of sensing probe will shine for one time every 3 ~ 4 s, in order to prompt replacement battery.


Time-limited work: when the washing time is for more than 60 seconds, the faucet will shut down automatically to avoid waste of water resources caused by long time sensitive water outlet because of foreign matters.
Power shortage tips: when the battery power is insufficient, it will automatically prompt replacement of new battery.

Sensor Faucet

1.Infrared sensor                      6.Signal line
2.Sensor faucet body               7.Triangle valve
3.Basin deck                              8.Triangle valve for hot supply
4.Control box                              9.Triangle valve for cold supply
5.AC power supply                   10.Temperature regulator

Sensors & Self-closing

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FLOVA丰华卫浴创办于1991年,是国内最早研发和生产混合水龙头的企业之 一,制造基地位于中国台州玉环。历经22年的发展,丰华以严格的质量管理体系为根基,在卫浴技术领域不断创新,成为全球市场上以品质而著称的专业性卫浴品牌之一。丰华二 十年坚持专业品质,为全球工程用户和数百万家庭提供了品质卓越的卫浴精品,赢得消费者、工程师和行业客户的一致认可和赞许。